Welcome to the Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia, the Internet Home for CPWA Information. This site serves as the hub for the interested in sharing knowledge about CPs. It provides online news, articles and plant information, along with interactive discussion forums and author bio information.

  • CP of WA Seasonal Chart
    Many thanks to Robert Gibson and Phill Mann for providing this Carnivorous Plant Chart showing the seasonal growth patterns of the Western Australian species. Click HERE to view the Chart.
  • Laterite and General Notes on the Soil
    Laterite and General Notes on the Soil in Southwestern Western Australia Robert Gibson The southwest of Western Australia is world famous for its wealth of endemic plant species, including an abundance of carnivorous plants. When viewed by those used to seeing Drosera and Utricularia confined to wet peaty soil of the temperate Northern Hemisphere the… Read more: Laterite and General Notes on the Soil
  • World’s Largest Drosera
    The world’s largest DroseraCPN Volume 30, No 3, 79 In September of 1999 whilst showing the world renown Drosera expert Robert Gibson and keen CP photographer Tuan Nguyen, through some selected sites of the South Coast of Western Australia, we came across a plant of Drosera erythrogyna growing up the burnt remains of a Banksia quercifolia. A fire had… Read more: World’s Largest Drosera
  • Carnivorous Plant Encounter, Walpole, WA
    Carnivorous Plant Encounter, Walpole, Western Australia Robert Gibson Cephalotus follicularis Drosera binata D. dichrosepala D. hamiltonii D. menziesii ssp menziesii D. neesii ssp neesii D. occidentalis ssp australis D. pallida/ D. erythrogyna D. platystigma D. pulchella D. roseana D. stolonifera ssp compacta Utricularia dichotoma U. simplex U. multifida REFERENCES Kondo and Kondo, 1983. Carnivorous Plants… Read more: Carnivorous Plant Encounter, Walpole, WA
  • Carnivorous Plants near Mt. Lesueur, WA
    Carnivorous Plants near Mt. Lesueuer, Western Australia Robert Gibson Acknowledgements:

The Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia Website would like to extend a special note of thanks to Kris Kopicki and the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, http://www.acps.org.au, for allowing us to use the Drosera callistos flower image as our Logo. Thanks.

The Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia Website would like to say thank you to Robert Gibson and Mark Stuart, for the loan of some of their photos. Thanks.